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Featured, Proposals

When Joe first contacted me about documenting the moment he finally decided it was the right time to propose to Maryssa, I was honored not only to have been chosen for this but also felt so much joy for one of my closest friends. In every interaction that Maryssa has with others, she spreads a beam of love and light that is so beautiful. There is no one more deserving.

During the search, Joe found a stunning estate (Classen Hills – 180 Development) located in the heart of Oklahoma City. This beautiful art deco-modern mansion coupled with the landscaping was exactly what Joe felt was the perfect way to celebrate the start of their new chapter. The rooftop gave a stunning view of downtown OKC that became an iconic way to start the night.

Joe’s mom and friends helped put together a gorgeous charcuterie board that was completely devoured in no time. I definitely made a plate or two for myself to snack on in between photographing Maryssa and Joe sharing shots with friends.

Joe and Maryssa headed up to the balcony toward the end of the night for some fun flash photos of them alone enjoying wine and talking about their future wedding.

  1. Maryssa Recio says:

    everything about these !!!!!! you are heaven sent ?

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